Thursday, July 7, 2011

Waiting For Your Prince Charming

*Sorry this post is mostly for girls..but I suppose some boys could get something out of it.* So..everyone knows that waiting is a hard thing to do right?? I don't think waiting is easy for anyone. But one thing that you really need to wait on is your prince charming. You know that special someone who you want to spend the rest of your life with?? Well let me tell you that they are worth waiting for. Now, as ashamed as I am to say this I am telling you so you don't make the same mistake that I did. I got caught up in the "dating game". So there was this boy and I told him that I don't date, he said he understood. I told him that if I was ever "with" someone I would be "with" them because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with them which included getting married and so on. Now he said that that was fine, that he REALLY liked me, that he wanted to spend forever with me. Now I realized that I was only 14 at the time. Normally you don't find your true love at 14, but he said he wanted forever so I believed him. So I was "with" him but we weren't dating. I gave my heart to him..I loved him with as much as I could. However later I found out something. Since we weren't "dating" he thought it would be alright to be with other girls and he wouldn't feel guilty about it since it wasn't "cheating" since we weren't "dating". To him being "together" was not the same as dating and it gave him the right to be with whoever else. And here's where I fell for the dating game. I wasn't aware that he was with other girls while we were together, so I decided, well I guess dating isn't that bad it will still be the same as when we were together right?? Wrong. Very very wrong. Within the first couple of weeks of us "dating" I realized something wasn't right. I'm not going to go into details but it just didn't feel right. He stopped promising forever and started saying "Well you never know what will happen with us, you can't start forever now". I was devastated..completely devastated. He decided to end it in a most devastating way for "dating" someone else. Now my story is just one of a thousand. I can't explain why people think its normal to jump around from one person to the next, why its considered alright to just "date" instead of try and find the person your going to be with forever. I won't fall for the "dating game" again I can assure you. Don't make the same mistake that I did...its not worth it. In God's time if it is meant to be he will show you who you are supposed to be with..if your even supposed to be with anyone. I have to accept the fact that I was wrong..and I have to start over. I have to ask God for forgiveness (which I have and still am) and I have to let him lead the way with my love life. Its hard to give over all of your control to someone else..but its worth it. I already know that I have learned from this experience..but its also changed my life in some negative ways. I'm already noticing that I'm having a harder time trusting people. I'm not as easily convinced anymore either. So maybe these are good things to have..but I find them to be quite negative in my life right now. Anyways I just wanted to share my story and I hope that someone got some good out of it. I don't want ANYONE ever going through what I had to go through. I will also say that the hardest part of all of this is that I still have feelings for him. I gave a part of my heart to him..and its not as easily returned as everyone would think.